Towards the end of her life, Maynard’s mother could no longer breathe unassisted. Judith’s faith remained steadfast during her condition, which left her paralysed and unable to read, write, speak, walk or tell the time. Judith was a devout Christian before the stroke, which happened in 1976 when Maynard was 11 years old. But it’s also the approximate amount of time between the debilitating stroke suffered by Maynard’s mother, Judith Marie, and her death in June 2003. The other is, of course, Maynard.ġ0,000 Days can be traced back to the Saturn Return, sure. One is dark ambient artist Lustmord, who adds a level of drama with his crackling thunder and rain effects. The two songs are pensive, dynamic and rooted in dense riffs and musicality that make you feel.Īside from the instrumental spine of the band, that raw emotion is achieved thanks to two people. The finished product bubbles away for more than 10 minutes before really kicking off, Justin’s bass leading the way for a white-hot, oppressively heavy crescendo. Initially slated to close the record, the Wings suite ended up sandwiched between muscular metal single Jambi and The Pot’s ludicrous prog-pop.

As musical journeys go, this is one of the more well-rounded, immersive they’ve traversed. During these sessions, guitarist Adam Jones had the band work late into the night they’d not quite gotten the song right, and he believed it was one of the best Tool had ever written.

They were both originally housed under the working title ‘Lost Keys’, because Tool’s bassist Justin Chancellor misplaced his car keys somewhere in the rehearsal space. This track and its sonic sibling, Wings For Marie (Pt 1), were eked out in painstaking detail in the studio. 10,000 Days (Wings Pt 2) had been debuted in its embryonic, unfinished form in 2002, on the tour for Tool’s previous record, Lateralus.